Friday, June 10, 2011

It's Been Too Long has been way too long since this thing was updated. At least I can say that it's because we have been so busy. Since school got out a lot has happened. The first couple weeks of summer were a little boring for me and crazy for Jeff. I couldn't find a job and was feeling a little cooped up in the house. Then, miracle of miracles happened and a place where Jeff was working a couple hours a week needed someone to work for a few hours everyday. Jeff told them that I was looking for somewhere to work for the summer and so now I have a job! It's great--just 10-2 every day. It still leaves me time to do things around the house/school/other stuff but it gives me something to do. I no longer have to worry about trying to think of an answer to Jeff's "What have you been up to?" text. Jeff just finished inventory at the store and is looking forward to the new manager getting there in a few days so that he can go back to only having to worry about his part of the store.

At the end of May I got to go home for a week. It was a lot of fun and so nice to see everyone and hang out at home. I took pictures but they somehow disappeared. I can't find them anywhere on my memory card or the camera so sorry but you can just trust me when I say that it was a lot of fun. It was also nice to get back home to Jeff after being gone. We're both very glad that inventory is over!!! We're even more excited for our vacation to St. George in only a week! A get-away is definitely needed right now and we can't wait!

Here are some pictures of a couple of things that we've been up to. I have been wanting to plant flowers for a long time but it had been raining and cold here for weeks so we had been holding off. When I got back home Jeff and I went to Shopko and bought a planter, dirt, and flowers. It was so much fun and I love them. It gives us something to spruce up our front door a little.

Oh and look at our awesome Easter Eggs! I think they are the best ones I have ever made. Thank you Shopko for making all of my Easter Egg dying dreams come true.

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