Sunday, March 10, 2013

7 Weeks Old

7 Weeks Old

I cannot even believe that our cute girl is already 7 weeks old!

-Still loving the sound of her voice and yells and squeals to hear what it sounds like. She does it more and more every day and it is so cute to see her little personality really starting to shine through.

-Has become quite the morning girl. We wake up between 6:30-7am right when Jeff is getting ready and leaving for work so she has been able to see Daddy before he leaves. A couple of the mornings she was still asleep so she just got a kiss blown in her direction. Then we lay in bed and play until she decides that she is hungry so she eats and gets a diaper change. She loves both of her changing tables because they are by windows and she loves windows. Some mornings she will just lay on the changing table and stretch and kick and make noise for almost an hour. Mornings are when she's most smiley too.

-Woke up between 4-5am for the first night feeding 4 of the 7 nights this week so we're hoping that this is a pattern.

-Since it has been a little warmer, I usually let her play in just her diaper after her first nap and before we put clothes on for the day and she just loves kicking her little legs without anything interfering.

-Pulled her hair REALLY hard and would not let go. Jeff kept saying "let go!" because he couldn't get her little fist to uncleanch. This was the first time that we had heard her "this hurts" cry and it was so sad. She hasn't pulled her hair again though.

-Met Great-Grandma Barb who is down from Iowa. It is so fun having her down for two whole weeks!

-Had our first outing with just the two of us to Target where we got some cute clothes for spring and the cutest little jean leggings. Emery hates real jeans so these are perfect for her!

-Has started to really like licking things.

-Partied with the Clark family on Friday night and Saturday afternoon for the first Clark Family Reunion. This was her first time with the whole family together including all of the cousins. She even got to come to the Adults Only party on Friday night!



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